
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SweetStamps is Sponsoring ABC Christmas Challenge

Thank you for stopping by today!  We are very excited to share with you SweetStamps is sponsoring some great Challenge Blogs in the coming months!

Today SweetStamps is sponsoring ABC Christmas Challenge


ABC Christmas Challenge is a fortnightly challenge running two weeks & a fantastic challenge to visit to get ahead with your Christmas cards 

This week's theme is for the letter D - Distressing 

SweetStamps is offering a $10.00 shopping spree to one lucky winner so come join the fun over at the ABC Christmas Challenge blog for your chance to go on a shopping spree!

To help kick off this challenge we have two of our very own team members Joni and Bonnie joining in the fun, sharing two wonderful cards showcasing some of the wonderful products offered at SweetStamps 

Thank You ABC Christmas Challenge, for the opportunity to sponsor your challenge today!

You can find SweetStamps current challenge here for a chance to win a 
$20.00 shopping spree in the SweetStamps Store 

Would you like to partner up with SweetStamps for your challenges??? We sponsor all events offering a shopping spree at SweetStamp shop for your winners and lots of added exposure to your events. Email me for all your Sponsoring needs!


  1. Beautiful Christmas cards ladies! They're both so elegant and pretty!

  2. Beautiful cards, you both made it look a lot like Christmas.


Thank you so much for visiting our blog and supporting It is so sweet of you to leave a comment, we love hearing from you! Have a Sweet day! :)